Monday, December 13, 2010

new e-book titles have been made available on the ScienceDirect platform for library users

The following new e-book titles have been made available on the ScienceDirect platform.

URL links are available in LYMAN, the libraries online catalog.

A Guide to Sports and Injury Management
Aging, Ageism and Abuse
American Trypanosomiasis
Analysis of Complex Disease Association Studies
Biomarkers in Kidney Disease
Bone Cancer
Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Enzyme Kinetics: Catalysis & Control
Essentials of Genomic and Personalized Medicine
Foot and Ankle Injection Techniques
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience
Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences
Handbook of Assessment in Clinical Gerontology
Handbook of Cell Signaling
Handbook of Epigenetics
Handbook of the Biology of Aging
Handbook of the Psychology of Aging - 6th.ed.
Handbook of the Psychology of Aging - 7th.ed.
Heart Development and Regeneration
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Molecular Diagnostics
Molecular Diagnostics
Natural Killer Cells
New Insights to Neuroimmune Biology
Nitric Oxide
Nutritional and Herbal Therapies for Children and Adolescents
Osteoporosis in Men
Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract 4th.ed.
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine
Quantum Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnostics of Human Brain Disorders
Reflexology in Pregnancy and Childbirth
Regenerative Nephrology
RNA Methodologies
Signal Transduction
Special Tests in Musculoskeletal Examination
Stem Cells
The HDL Handbook
The Law of Emergencies
The Pituitary
Treatment of Eating Disorders
Tui Na
Virus Taxonomy

Monday, November 15, 2010

Elsevier Releases Image Search; New SciVerse ScienceDirect Feature Enables Researchers to Quickly Find Reliable Visual Content

Elsevier Releases Image Search; New SciVerse ScienceDirect Feature Enables Researchers to Quickly Find Reliable Visual Content

Amsterdam 12 November, 2010 – Elsevier, a leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical (STM) information, today announced the availability of Image Search, a new SciVerse ScienceDirect feature that enables users to quickly and efficiently find images and figures relevant to their specific research objectives.

The new feature allows researchers to search across more than 15 million images contained within SciVerse ScienceDirect. Results include tables, photos, figures, graphs and videos from trusted peer-reviewed full text sources. Saving researchers significant time, Image Search ensures increased efficiency in finding the relevant visuals.

Search results can be refined by image type and contain links to the location within the original source article, allowing researchers to verify image in context. Researchers can take advantage of Image Search to learn new concepts, prepare manuscripts or visually convey ideas in presentations and lectures. The new feature is available to SciVerse ScienceDirect subscribed users at no additional cost.

“By allowing researchers to delve immediately into the images on SciVerse ScienceDirect, the new feature saves researchers valuable time and offers immediate access to a vast database of trusted visual content,” said Rafael Sidi, Vice President of Product Management for Elsevier’s SciVerse ScienceDirect. “Developed in response to user feedback, Image Search represents another example of the steps Elsevier is taking to speed scientific search and discovery by improving researcher workflow.”

Monday, November 01, 2010

PubMed® Display Enhanced with Images from the New NCBI Images Database

PubMed® Display Enhanced with Images from the New NCBI Images Database
[Editor’s Note added October 29, 2010: This change was implemented in PubMed on October 27, 2010 and the Images database was also released on October 27, 2010.]

The PubMed Abstract display for PubMed Central® articles will be enhanced to include an image strip generated from the soon-to-be-released National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Images database (see Figure 1).

By Kathi Canese
National Center for Biotechnology Information

Canese K. PubMed® Display Enhanced with Images from the New NCBI Images Database. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Sep-Oct;(376):e14.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SciVerse-ScienceDirect-Scopus maintenance windows - 11/7 and 11/13

Please plan ahead for these maintenance windows.

Dear Customer,

Please note that we have two scheduled outages that will affect the Admin Tool along with the following SciVerse products in the coming weeks:

Journals Consult

The products and services mentioned above are expected to be offline and unavailable for approximately 4 hours on November 7th and 6 hours on November 13th. During this time, upgrades will be implemented and maintenance performed. Please see below for approximate outage duration by region:

November 7:

U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST): 2:00AM -6:00AM
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): 7:00AM-11:00AM
Singapore Standard Time (SST): 3:00PM - 7:00PM
November 13:

U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST); 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): 1:00PM-7:00PM
Singapore Standard Time (SST): 9:00PM. November 13th - 3:00AM, November 14
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,

The Elsevier Team.

Monday, October 25, 2010

NIH's Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC) Web pages have a new look

The Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC) Web pages have a new look: The pages have been redesigned to enhance access to NLM's many and diverse resources useful for disaster and emergency readiness, response, and recovery. Emergency responders will find links to the WISER resource for hazardous materials incidents and the Radiation Emergency Medical Management site. A growing list of guides to online disaster information includes titles such as "Crude Oil Spills and Health," "Special Populations: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness," and "Floods." New features include an A to Z Index, links to the latest articles and reports from PubMed and the Resource Guide for Public Health Preparedness, and news about disaster events, publications, and online resources from both US and international sources. DIMRC is a part of the Specialized Information Services Division at the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

The NN/LM Emergency Preparedness & Response Toolkit also has a redesigned web site at The site now features a cleaner presentation of information and resources plus Twitter feeds and easier access to weather-related alerts and warnings. A new video tutorial ( assists users in navigating the toolkit. The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) provides the Toolkit for librarians to use in developing emergency preparedness and response plans for their libraries and finding help with handling floods, fires, and other incidents that affect a library's buildings, collections and services. The National Network, a service of the National Library of Medicine, coordinates eight regional offices and a network of nearly 6,000 member libraries in the United States.

Submitted by Cara Breeden, MLS
Aquilent, Inc., in support of the mission of the
Disaster Information Management Research Center
Specialized Information Services Division
National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

Support for librarians providing disaster information outreach to their communities.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

McMaster University and DynaMed Partner to Identify Practice-Changing Evidence Across Medical Disciplines

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
McMaster University and DynaMed Partner to Identify Practice-Changing Evidence Across Medical Disciplines

~Partnership Brings Together Two of the Best Systems for Monitoring High-Quality Medical Research to Impact Patient Care ~

IPSWICH, Mass. — October 20, 2010 — McMaster University’s Health Information Research Unit and DynaMed™ from EBSCO Publishing have partnered to help physicians understand the scope of the medical research being published every day. Thanks to the agreement, the two best systems for keeping up with medical research have come together in an international partnership to identify practice-changing evidence for physicians and to include that knowledge directly into the DynaMed experience. Through this unique partnership, physicians from around the world, combining the McMaster University and DynaMed communities, will rate the most important research articles for specific relevance at the point of care and identify the practice-changing articles across all disciplines.

Given the number of medical journals, the amount of medical research being published each week is overwhelming. The sheer volume of the new information being published makes it impossible for a practicing physician to read every article or to identify which articles contain research that needs to be put into practice. Having a mechanism to synthesize the new medical evidence into a useable format and rate the relevance is becoming more and more essential. The agreement between McMaster University and DynaMed provides physicians with the information they need to know—the best available evidence—when and where they need it most—at the point of care.

McMaster University and DynaMed add context to the medical literature allowing hospitals and healthcare providers to make decisions based on the best available evidence. The Health Information Research Unit at McMaster University has established a process to identify high-quality medical research and has recruited a global network of thousands of physicians spanning all disciplines that evaluates the clinical relevance and newsworthiness of high quality research articles. DynaMed is a point-of-care clinical reference and decision support resource that identifies the best available evidence; uses a team of physicians, health professionals from other disciplines and scientists trained in research methodology to critically analyze the content; summarizes research evidence for rapid application; and makes the information available for physicians to find in the moment-to-moment context of patient care.

By combining these systematic and rigorous methods for identifying and analyzing medical research and adding the vast array of practicing physicians (who are able to reflect current practice needs), physicians using DynaMed will be able to quickly identify the practice-changing medical research results across all medical disciplines.

About EBSCO Publishing
EBSCO Publishing is the world’s premier database aggregator, offering a suite of more than 300 full-text and secondary research databases. Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals, magazines, books, monographs, reports and various other publication types from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all medical professionals (doctors, nurses, medical librarians, social workers, hospital administrators, etc.). The company’s product lines include proprietary databases such as CINAHL®, DynaMed™, Nursing Reference Center™, Patient Education Reference Center™, Rehabilitation Reference Center™, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source™ and SocINDEX™ as well as dozens of leading licensed databases such as MEDLINE®, PsycARTICLES® and PsycINFO®. Databases are powered by EBSCOhost®, the most-used for-fee electronic resource in libraries around the world. For more information, visit the EBSCO Publishing Web site at:, or contact:

About the Health Information Research Unit (HIRU), McMaster University
HIRU is in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University, where the concepts and name of evidence-based medicine originated. HIRU conducts research in the field of health information science and is dedicated to the generation of new knowledge about the nature of health and clinical information problems, the development of new information resources to support evidence-informed health care, and the evaluation of various innovations in overcoming health care information problems. HIRU provides quality-and relevance-assessed research evidence for many evidence-based publications.


For more information, please contact:

Kathleen McEvoy
Public Relations Manager
EBSCO Publishing
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594

Monday, October 18, 2010

Open Access Week , October 18-24, 2010

“The exciting opportunity we have with this year’s Open Access Week stems from the fact that Open Access is mature enough that good examples now exist of what you can do as a scholar in an open-access enabled world that you simply can’t do in a closed environment.”

With these words, Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition and organizer of OA Week), tees up the official 2010 Open Access Week Online Kick-off Event. Leading the event is pioneering Open Access advocate Dr. Harold Varmus, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist who currently directs the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Varmus is joined by Dr. Cameron Neylon, a biophysicist and open research advocate; Dr. Mona Nemer, professor and vice-president for research at the University of Ottawa; Dr. Roger Wakimoto, Director of the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research; and a host of other leading researchers from around the globe.

This recorded event can be viewed online at by anyone, in any time zone, on any day during OA Week.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Elsevier has put a new face on their 2 premier products, ScienceDirect and Scopus, creating a new "HUB" called "SciVerse".

Some of you may have already noticed that Elsevier has put a new face on their 2 premier products, ScienceDirect and Scopus, creating a new "HUB" called "SciVerse".
Lots of information, tutorials, videos etc at this link :

In a nutshell if you do not want to bother with the tutorials, etc…………….read this…….

This HUB allows users to search both ScienceDirect and Scopus and SciTopics all at the same time, however, you can still search each product independently as well.

You will notice 2 circles in the top left corner -- this will tell you which product you are currently navigating in.

SciVerse - Hub -- -- all the same functionality as Scirus : the scientific search engine

SciVerse - ScienceDirect -- -- all the same functionality

SciVerse - Scopus -- -- all the same functionality

When you are in HUB -- the search results ( using Scirus: the scientific search engine) present you with several icons :
See the information on Scirus and what it does here :

Basically : the search results icons………...

Abstract -- takes you to Scopus -- where you can pick up our Link Resolver button for full text -- Find It @ UCHC

External -- takes you to several places --
1…. PubMed abstract -- no Linkout buttons yet -- but they are working on getting those links working
2…. actual products we have access to like MDConsult
3…. Scientific web resources including institutional respositories

Full text -- takes you to full text within ScienceDirect

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Wiley e-journal platform linking problems

The new e-journal platform has come up, however, there are lots of linking issues, both in LYMAN and SFX A-Z list. Most of them I have found so far, direct you to the Wiley Online Library home page instead of straight to the article or the journal home page.

Please know that we are working to identify all the problem links and get them repaired ASAP.

Please issue a problem report when you encounter links that are not working, so that we can track them.

Thanks very much for your patience.

-----Original Message-----
From: An informal open list set up by UKSG - Connecting the Information Community [mailto:LIS-E-RESOURCES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Gillingham, Emily - Oxford
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 4:19 AM
Subject: [lis-e-resources] Wiley Online Library Now Available

Dear All

We are very happy to announce Wiley Online Library is now live. Over the next few weeks we will continue to run diagnostics and address any issues brought to our attention to insure the robustness of the service and provide the best possible user experience. This may result in brief periods of downtime for maintenance. We will provide advance notice whenever possible.

Visit to access the new site.

As a reminder, this site replaces Wiley InterScience and provides access to over 4 million articles from 1500 journals, 9000 books, and hundreds of multi-volume reference works, laboratory protocols and databases from John Wiley & Sons, including content from the key imprints of Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH, Jossey-Bass, and from hundreds of scholarly and professional societies. It features a clean and easy-to-use new user interface, intuitive navigation, enhanced discoverability, expanded functionalities, and a range of personalization and alerting options. Some of the new features to note:

- Access Icons indicate free, licensed and Online Open content
- Enhanced journal home pages with news and other added value features
- New subject pages combining all product types and news by subject
- Improved full text HTML article display - pop up references, enlarge images, in-article navigation - plus easy access to article PDFs
- Federated access/Shibboleth compliance for UK customers first - other regional federations to follow
- COUNTER-compliant usage reports - available from September

Best wishes,


Emily Gillingham
Director, Library and Institutional Marketing - Wiley-Blackwell - John Wiley & Sons
Tel: +44 1865 476425
Fax: +44 1865 471425

Become a fan at!/pages/Wiley-Online-Library/121088411241146
Follow us at


Blackwell Publishing Limited is a private limited company registered in England with registered number 180277.
Registered office address: The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom. PO19 8SQ.

lis-e-resources is a UKSG list - UKSG groups also available on Facebook and LinkedIn

Friday, July 16, 2010

Online access to JADA has been repaired

Online access to JADA : Journal of the American Dental Association has been repaired.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Online access to JADA is down once again

Online access to JADA is down once again..we are working to restore access....please use print version in journal stacks.

Location: Journal Stacks
Status: Not Charged

Recently Received:
v. 141, no. 6 (2010 June)
v. 141, no. 5 (2010 May)
v. 141, no. 4 (2010 Apr.)
v. 141, no. 3 (2010 Mar.)
v. 141, no. 2 (2010 Feb.)
v. 141, no. 1 (2010 Jan.)

This Location includes:
v.9 (1922)-v.140 (2009)

Friday, June 25, 2010

ScienceDirect online access issues resolved

Online access issues to ScienceDirect have been resolved.

If you are still experiencing problems, please do file a problem report :

Monday, June 14, 2010

The June issues, only. for the following titles are temporarily down. The publisher is investigating the cause. We hope to have these issues available shortly.

American Journal of Human Genetics

Volume 86 (2010)

Volume 86, Issue 6 - selected
pp. 825-982 (11 June 2010)

Biophysical Journal

Volume 98 (2010)

Volume 98, Issue 11 - selected
pp. 2401-2758 (2 June 2010)


Volume 141 (2010)

Volume 141, Issue 6 - selected
pp. 909-1088 (11 June 2010)

Cell Metabolism

Volume 11 (2010)

Volume 11, Issue 6 - selected
pp. 445-566 (9 June 2010)

Cell Stem Cell

Volume 6 (2010)

Volume 6, Issue 6 - selected
pp. 493-616 (4 June 2010)

Current Biology

Volume 20 (2010)

Volume 20, Issue 11 - selected
pp. 969-1052 (8 June 2010)

Molecular Cell

Volume 38 (2010)

Volume 38, Issue 5 - selected
pp. 621-774 (11 June 2010)


Volume 66 (2010)

Volume 66, Issue 5 - selected
pp. 619-808 (10 June 2010)


Volume 18 (2010)

Volume 18, Issue 6 - selected
pp. 657-756 (9 June 2010)

Friday, June 11, 2010

My NCBI Tool to Replace eRA Commons for Bibliography Management

My NCBI Tool to Replace eRA Commons for Bibliography Management

As of July 23, 2010, PD/PIs will be unable to enter citations manually into eRA Commons and must use My NCBI’s “My Bibliography” tool to manage their professional bibliographies. Please see the full press release at this URL:

eRA Commons has partnered with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) to link NCBI’s personal online tool, “My NCBI,” to Commons. My NCBI offers an online portal—“My Bibliography”—for users to maintain and manage a list of all of their authored works, such as journal articles, manuscripts accepted for publication, books, and book chapters. Linking a Commons account to a new or existing My NCBI account allows references saved in My Bibliography to automatically appear in users’ Commons accounts.

Please follow this link to the eRA website, for complete instructions on creating and linking accounts necessary for this transition.

Please also see the following article posted in the NLM Technical Bulletin, describing a new feature now available in My Bibliography and which facilitates the management of publication compliance with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy. From the new Awards View, eRA Commons users are able to see whether their publications are compliant with the Policy, start the manuscript submission process, associate their NIH extramural awards with their publications, and designate delegates to manage their bibliography via My NCBI.

“My NCBI: Managing Compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy Using My Bibliography”

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New e-books have been added to the library collections from the ScienceDirect platform,

New e-books have been added to the library collections. The titles reside on the ScienceDirect platform, joining 154 other book titles already available to UCONN Health library users. Books on this platform are joint purchases with the main UCONN campus library at Storrs and available to all UCONN campuses. The titles span many subject areas. Access is provided by IP address on campus. Be sure to log into the library if you are accessing remotely.
This is a growing collection so be sure to check back for additional titles. They will be marked on the platform with the little star proclaiming “new”.
Users will also want to check out the LibGuide being built explaining the various e-book platforms that the library now makes available.
The guide may be found at this link :

E-Books at UCONN Health :

Users will find these new titles on the ScienceDirect platform at the following links. Users may set filter limits to browse only books on the platform.

Anesthesia Secrets
Ashcraft's Pediatric Surgery
Cardiac Intensive Care
Complications of Urologic Surgery
Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry
Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease
GI/Liver Secrets
Ocular Disease
Pocket Companion to Brenner and Rector's The Kidney
Practical Surgical Neuropathology
Principles and Practice of Wrist Surgery

Friday, April 30, 2010

JSTORService Alert: Today, April 30, 4 PM-12 AM EST

JSTORService Alert: Today, April 30, 4 PM-12 AM EST (UTC-5 hours), the JSTOR site has scheduled maintenance.
You will be able to search and download, but will not be able to reset passwords, save citations, or create/update MyJSTOR accounts.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your patience.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MedEdPortal : Monthly News April 2010

Monthly News
April 2010

Featured Publications
Notes from the Editor: The Role of Associate Editors
MedEdPORTAL Welcomes New Associate Editors
MedBiquitous Releases Virtual Patient Standard
Did you know…MedEdPORTAL publications consist of full learning modules?

Featured Publications

Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Simulation (U/SS) Case Scenario Package
Leo Kobayashi, MD
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
This resource consist of a modular package containing 5 high-fidelity full-body simulation case scenarios with supplemental bedside Emergency Department Ultrasound videos...

Disclosing Medical Errors to Patients
Win May, MD, PhD
Keck School of Medicine of the University of So California
This is a standardized patient case which has been used to assess the communication skills of radiology residents when disclosing a medical error to a patient. The case content can be modified for use in other specialties.

Infection Control - Faculty Development Materials
Timothy Dellit, MD
University of Washington School of Medicine
Infection Control is a vital part of patient safety concerned with the prevention of healthcare-associated infections and the transmission of infectious agents among patients and healthcare workers.

Enriching Educators' Repertoire of Appropriate Instructional Methods
Deborah Simpson, PhD
Medical College of Wisconsin
Educators frequently depend on familiar teaching methods to achieve their educational objectives, reporting limited knowledge of alternative instructional methods. "From Madness to Methods" was developed to actively engage educators in learning and applying new instructional methods.

Browse All MedEdPORTAL Publications

Notes from the Editor: The Role of Associate Editors

Associate Editors play an instrumental role in the MedEdPORTAL peer review process. Associate Editors work closely with the Editor and MedEdPORTAL staff to facilitate the review of submissions. During the screening process each submission is reviewed to determine whether or not it belongs to one of the twenty content areas for which an Associate Editor is assigned (e.g., Pediatrics, Surgery, etc.)…Learn More >>>

To read past articles, please visit: Notes from the Editor

MedEdPORTAL Welcomes New Associate Editors

MedEdPORTAL would like to congratulate and formally welcome our three newly-appointed Associate Editors: Wayne T. McCormack, PhD, Linda Perkowski, PhD and Sheila Chauvin, PhD. These individuals bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the MedEdPORTAL peer review process...Learn More >>>

View All MedEdPORTAL Associate Editors

MedBiquitous Releases Virtual Patient Standard

Healthcare educators are working to transform healthcare curricula to adapt to reduce patient contact time and teaching resources while improving patient safety. A new American National Standard from MedBiquitous will enable them to do just that while collaborating with international colleagues in the process. MedBiquitous Virtual Patient, ANSI /MEDBIQ VP.10.1-2010, is a technical standard that enables the development of global banks of virtual patient cases...Learn More>>>

Did you know…MedEdPORTAL publications consist of full learning modules?

MedEdPORTAL publications consist of full learning modules that include instructor guides and all the necessary tools that will allow an educator to download, utilize, and implement the educational resource into the curricula without ever having to contact the author. For more information regarding standard formats for submission, please visit: MedEdPORTAL Submission Instructions.

The MedEdPORTAL Monthly Newsletter is published around the 15th of each month and sent to over 15,000 subscribers. The newsletter provides timely and topical information about MedEdPORTAL related events and publications. The newsletter also highlights featured publications and collections available in MedEdPORTAL that are of interest to MedEdPORTAL users.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Medpedia adds video

Medpedia adds video.

""About The Medpedia Project

The Medpedia Project is a long-term, worldwide project to evolve a new model for sharing and advancing knowledge about health, medicine and the body among medical professionals and the general public. This model is founded on providing a free online technology platform that is collaborative, interdisciplinary and transparent. Read more about the model.

Users of the platform include physicians, consumers, medical and scientific journals, medical schools, research institutes, medical associations, hospitals, for-profit and non-profit organizations, expert patients, policy makers, students, non-professionals taking care of loved ones, individual medical professionals, scientists, etc.

As Medpedia grows over the next few years, it will become a repository of up-to-date unbiased medical information, contributed and maintained by health experts around the world, and freely available to everyone. The information in this clearinghouse will be easy to discover and navigate, and the technology platform will expand as the community invents more uses for it.

In association with Harvard Medical School, Stanford School of Medicine, Berkeley School of Public Health, University of Michigan Medical School and other leading global health organizations, Medpedia will be a commons for the gathering of the information and people critical to health care. Many organizations have united to support The Medpedia Project. ""

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

JAMA Evidence now has a mobile view for a number of smartphones.

JAMA Evidence now has a mobile view for a number of smartphones.

The JAMA Evidence mobile view features a portion of the site's content optimized for the unique size and speed constraints of mobile browsers.
To that end, the following content is available in this view:
•"Quick Reference" pocket cards from Users' Guides to the Medical Literature
•"Make the Diagnosis" sections from The Rational Clinical Examination

To access this version of the site, you must log in using a personal profile name and password created at JAMA Evidence. If you have not created such a profile, please visit the site on a nonmobile browser, select the "My JAMAevidence" tab, and follow the directions for creation of a personal profile. Once complete, you may return to the mobile view and use that username and password to access the site.

The JAMAevidence mobile view is optimized for the following smartphones: iPhone original and 3G, BlackBerry 8300 series and higher (default browser only), Google's Android platform, and Palm Treo.

The mobile site is available at

Try it out today!

Arta Dobbs, Collection Management Librarian

Thursday, March 18, 2010

UCONN Health Center Community Continues to Respond to the People of Haiti

Though it has now been two months since the devastating earthquake and aftershocks rocked the island nation of Haiti, the country is still in dire need of medical attention and care. The needs are complex and it will take many more months, if not years, to rebuild Haiti’s medical infrastructure.

In light of this ongoing need, I am very proud to say that a group of 11 men and women from the UConn Health Center community is leaving this week for a 16-day medical mission to the University Hospital in Port-au-Prince. They will be volunteering their time and talent with the International Medical Corps, a global humanitarian organization. IMC is the same group that Dr. Robert Fuller, Medical Director of Emergency Department, worked with immediately following the earthquake.

The UConn team includes specially trained physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners. They will provide care at University Hospital, and will help the IMC with its long-term recovery efforts.

Please join me in extending our deepest thanks and sincere best wishes to our UConn contingent:

Michael Fishcher, M.D., Internal Medicine

Lynn Kosowicz, M.D., Internal Medicine

Susan Levine, M.D., Internal Medicine (Community physician; clinical faculty)

Mitch McGrath, R.N., General Medicine

MaryBeth Barry, A.P.R.N., Cardiology/General Medicine

Laura Glynn, R.N., General Medicine

Dawn Smith, R.N., General Medicine

Katherine Anderson, R.N., General Medicine

Kathleen Curley, R.N., General Medicine

Christy Meyer, R.N., Emergency Medicine/ICU

Rachel Jones, R.N., General Medicine

We look forward to their safe return and appreciate the sacrifice they are making.

I am also grateful to Dr. Fuller and Dr. Adam Silverman for their efforts in coordinating and facilitating the UConn response.


Cato T. Laurencin, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice President for Health Affairs
Dean, UConn School of Medicine

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols : now available online for library users.

The library has purchased a subscription to : Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, which is now available online for library users.

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols is an interdisciplinary journal providing a definitive source of research methods in cell, developmental and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, protein science, computational biology, immunology, neuroscience and imaging. Each monthly issue details multiple essential methods—a mix of cutting-edge and well-established techniques. Newly commissioned protocols and unsolicited submissions are supplemented with articles based on Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s renowned courses and manuals. All protocols are up-to-date and presented in a consistent, easy-to-follow format. New protocols will be published continuously. Users can sign up for RSS feeds and Alerts when new protocols appear in the database. All published protocols are peer-reviewed by experts to ensure technical quality. In addition, many of the protocols are ‘field-tested’ in CSHL courses—and fine-tuned based on these results.
All articles should be cited by the complete DOI number (e.g., doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot1234), which can be found at the top of each article.
For example:
Deplancke B., Vermeirssen V., Arda H.E., Martinez N.J., and Walhout A.J.M. 2006. Gateway-compatible yeast one-hybrid screens. Cold Spring Harb Protoc
doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot4590.

Find Protocols by Subject Area
Cell Biology
Computational Biology
DNA Delivery/Gene Transfer
High-Throughput Analysis
Laboratory Organisms
Molecular Biology
Plant Biology
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Proteins and Proteomics
RNA Interference (RNAi)/siRNA
Stem Cells
Transgenic Technology

Course Protocols
Emerging Model Organisms
Product and Kit Protocols

Be sure to check out : Benchmarks, a blog kept by David Crotty, the Executive Editor of CSH Protocols. The focus is the discussion of methods used in the biology laboratory. Benchmarks may be found at this URL :
Please be sure to let us know if you have any problems accessing this title and of course, if you find this useful in your work.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Online access to Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science has returned.

Online access to the most recent issues of Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science has returned.

Please report any additional non-access issues using this form :

Monday, March 01, 2010

UCONN Health Library subscribes to PsychiatryOnline - check out the free book - a new one each month

Subscribers to DSM Premium and DSM Premium Plus at get access to a free PDF version of a featured book EVERY MONTH from the APPI Bookstore.

March brings The Psychiatrist as Expert Witness, 2nd Edition, by Thomas G. Gutheil, M.D.

Forensic psychiatry is growing in popularity, and many a practitioner feels the urge to explore this fascinating realm of endeavor. The second edition of The Psychiatrist as Expert Witness, by Thomas G. Gutheil, M.D., is a highly readable and practical guidebook for those interested in entering the field while navigating the dangers inherent in courtroom testimony. This volume is a thoroughly revised and updated edition of his highly successful first edition. The earlier edition has been used in nearly all forensic psychiatric training programs in the U.S. and Cana da since its publication in 1998.

A professor of psychiatry at the Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center-Harvard Medical School, Gutheil draws on his decades of experience in the courtroom and countless beginner's mistakes to help readers avoid the pitfalls of serving as an expert witness. While of great value to newcomers to the field, the book offers insight and guidance to early-career and seasoned expert witnesses as well.

As in the first edition, this volume explores the role of the expert witness, moral issues, basic principles, depositions and trials, writing for the court, and ethical marketing. Besides the requisite updating of references and suggested readings, this latest volume features expansions and additions of particular benefit to prospective expert witnesses:

* A glossary of useful terms
* Expanded definitions of key concepts
* A lengthened discussion of bias in testimony
* A model forensic consent form for examination
* Cases and principles that have arisen since the first edition

The Psychiatrist as Expert Witness provides the practical, hands-on mentoring and guidance that were not readily available in the past. Concrete advice replaces abstract theorizing, and informal discussion in a user-friendly tone replaces scholarly discourse. These attributes combine to make this a book that is highly accessible and usable in real world courtroom settings.

While some in society decry the expert witness function, the courts will continue, fro m all evidence, to require expert witness testimony in increasing numbers. The author seeks to help his colleagues meet the courts' needs with ethical, effective and helpful testimony through the publication of this revised volume. At the same time, Gutheil strives to make the often complex arena of forensic psychiatry more understandable to those who wish to enter the field and to seasoned experts eager to keep up with contemporary changes in forensic psychiatry.

You can access the Book of the Month from the home page, at You'll have access to The Psychiatrist as Expert Witness, 2nd Edition as a PDF download for the month of March.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Books in Print (BIP) online no longer available at UCONN

The University of Connecticut Libraries has cancelled Books in Print Online.
So what do you do now if you were a regular user?....................

If you know the publisher of the book, you can get a fairly good idea from the publishers website if the title is still in print, in stock and being sold.

Worldcat can also give you subject searching capability for published titles, then go to the publishers website for in print and sale information.

For forthcoming titles, records known as CIP (cataloging in publication) records are deposited into Worldcat before publication by a publisher and/or bookseller -- then to get a date of publication and pricing, go to the publishers website.

This is a little more searching leg work to get the same information that BIP provided in one place, but it is certainly doable.

Amazon can be used as a last resort for purchase availability, but because of the unreliability of purchase price -- either new or used, Amazon is pretty chaotic for determining if a title is actually out of print at the publisher.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance : Jan 23

ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for approximately 12 hours during the period from 8:00AM to 8:00PM EST Saturday, 23 January 2010. Please plan ahead.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Get Vaccinated… It's National Influenza Vaccination Week.

Monday, January 11, 2010

bX Scholarly Recommender Service

bX Scholarly Recommender Service

The UConn Health Center Library has expanded its SFX link resolver service to include bX: A Scholarly Recommender Service. You can compare this service to PubMed’s Related articles service, or more popularly, to AMAZON – “other users also bought these”. While not a search service, bX is designed to provide SFX users automated browsing of scholarly articles based on usage data. Recommendations are made based on a structural analysis of SFX link resolver usage from libraries worldwide. Currently, 180 libraries worldwide have helped to develop and are using bX, see the partial list below.

Boston College
British Library
California State University (17 Campuses)
University of Chicago
University of Texas at Austin
Los Alamos National Laboratory

When you click on an SFX link button while searching in Scopus, Web of Science, or Ovid’s Medline, you may be presented with a menu titled : Users interested in this article also expressed an interest in the following : . Not all article citations that you click on in SFX, will display the bX menu. SFX usage is harvested (behind the scenes) using OAI-PMH protocol and returned to users as recommendations within the menu.

You don’t have to lose these recommendations as bX can be prompted to download the citations popping up in the bX menu recommendations to your choice of bibliographic manager services such as RefWorks, Procite, Endnote, and RefManager.

Please let us know what you think of this service add on to our SFX link resolver.

Arta Dobbs
Collection Management Librarian