Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Elsevier has put a new face on their 2 premier products, ScienceDirect and Scopus, creating a new "HUB" called "SciVerse".

Some of you may have already noticed that Elsevier has put a new face on their 2 premier products, ScienceDirect and Scopus, creating a new "HUB" called "SciVerse".
Lots of information, tutorials, videos etc at this link : http://www.info.sciverse.com/sciverse-hub

In a nutshell if you do not want to bother with the tutorials, etc…………….read this…….

This HUB allows users to search both ScienceDirect and Scopus and SciTopics all at the same time, however, you can still search each product independently as well.

You will notice 2 circles in the top left corner -- this will tell you which product you are currently navigating in.

SciVerse - Hub -- http://www.hub.sciverse.com/action/home -- all the same functionality as Scirus : the scientific search engine

SciVerse - ScienceDirect -- http://www.sciencedirect.com/ -- all the same functionality

SciVerse - Scopus -- http://www.scopus.com/home.url -- all the same functionality

When you are in HUB -- the search results ( using Scirus: the scientific search engine) present you with several icons :
See the information on Scirus and what it does here : http://www.scirus.com/srsapp/aboutus/

Basically : the search results icons………...

Abstract -- takes you to Scopus -- where you can pick up our Link Resolver button for full text -- Find It @ UCHC

External -- takes you to several places --
1…. PubMed abstract -- no Linkout buttons yet -- but they are working on getting those links working
2…. actual products we have access to like MDConsult
3…. Scientific web resources including institutional respositories

Full text -- takes you to full text within ScienceDirect