Thursday, March 18, 2010

UCONN Health Center Community Continues to Respond to the People of Haiti

Though it has now been two months since the devastating earthquake and aftershocks rocked the island nation of Haiti, the country is still in dire need of medical attention and care. The needs are complex and it will take many more months, if not years, to rebuild Haiti’s medical infrastructure.

In light of this ongoing need, I am very proud to say that a group of 11 men and women from the UConn Health Center community is leaving this week for a 16-day medical mission to the University Hospital in Port-au-Prince. They will be volunteering their time and talent with the International Medical Corps, a global humanitarian organization. IMC is the same group that Dr. Robert Fuller, Medical Director of Emergency Department, worked with immediately following the earthquake.

The UConn team includes specially trained physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners. They will provide care at University Hospital, and will help the IMC with its long-term recovery efforts.

Please join me in extending our deepest thanks and sincere best wishes to our UConn contingent:

Michael Fishcher, M.D., Internal Medicine

Lynn Kosowicz, M.D., Internal Medicine

Susan Levine, M.D., Internal Medicine (Community physician; clinical faculty)

Mitch McGrath, R.N., General Medicine

MaryBeth Barry, A.P.R.N., Cardiology/General Medicine

Laura Glynn, R.N., General Medicine

Dawn Smith, R.N., General Medicine

Katherine Anderson, R.N., General Medicine

Kathleen Curley, R.N., General Medicine

Christy Meyer, R.N., Emergency Medicine/ICU

Rachel Jones, R.N., General Medicine

We look forward to their safe return and appreciate the sacrifice they are making.

I am also grateful to Dr. Fuller and Dr. Adam Silverman for their efforts in coordinating and facilitating the UConn response.


Cato T. Laurencin, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice President for Health Affairs
Dean, UConn School of Medicine