Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The National Academies Press announces the Discovery Engine.

The National Academies Press (http://www.nap.edu/)
publishes significant works on behalf of the National Academies (http://www.nationalacademies.org/ ), including the Institute of Medicine (IOM) (http://www.iom.edu/), and also makes these works freely available for online reading through the Open Book interface.

Several new advances in the online website have been made operational. The Discovery Engine, a Find More Like This button, Research Dashboard and Reference Finder all work to upgrade the inadequate linear search tool.

The Discovery Engine searches more than 500,000 book pages from nearly 3,000 formal publications produced by The National Academy of Sciences, The National Academy of Engineering, The Institute of Medicine, and The National Research Council, plus more than 100,000+ Web documents from The National Academies: current projects, testimony, press releases, news documents, etc.

Research Dashboard presents the searcher with the top key terms extracted from within each online publication. Clicking on a term searches sorts and displays each instance of that term within the publication. Each term can be searched further, outside the publication in the NAP website as well as presenting users with a structured search and links for a Google/Yahoo/MSN search.

Click on this link to find more information about the exciting advances at the National Academies Press website.

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