Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New journal archives added to PubMedCentral and Lyman Online Catalog

New journal archives added to PubMedCentral and Lyman Online Catalog

Clinical Medicine & Research

ISSN: 1539-4182 (print) and 1554-6179 (electronic)
URL: http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=252
Archive: v.1:no.1 (2003)- to present.

This journal is also available free open access at the Highwire e-journal platform, published online for the Marshfield Clinic at the following URL :

Friday, May 27, 2005

Free online History of Public Health Course

14. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: The History of Public
Health [mp3, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer]

This Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) course about
the history of public health is offered free to the Internet public through
the JHSPH OpenCourseWare program. The course (taught by Graham Mooney during the spring semester of 2005) examines "the historical experience of health and illness from a population perspective." The site provides a brief description of the course, a downloadable reading list, and lecture notes available in MP3 format.
Lecture headings include :
Body Spaces: From Inoculation to Immunization;
Education and Mothering;
The Sanitary Idea; and more.

Forthcoming JHSPH OpenCourseWare courses include
Fundamentals of Genetic Epidemiology, and International Nutrition. [NL]

>From The NSDL Scout Report for the Life Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout
Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Medical History : free full text now online at PubMedCentral

The full text of Medical History, the official journal of the British Society for the History of Medicine is now freely available on PubMedCentral.
v.1 (1957)-v.48 (2004) is available at the following URL and has been added to LYMAN, our online catalog.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Blackwell Synergy online access is not available today

Blackwell Synergy e-journal platform is denying access to all subscribed journals, all green circles have vanished.
They report they are attempting to fix the problem, but are not sure when they can fix it, they have had platform troubles since last week.
Definitely not today -- possibly, operational tomorrow.

From today's Wall Street Journal : Office Technology Software for Symptoms

From the Wall Street Journal :
Office Technology Software for Symptoms: Diagnostic software hasn't caught on yet among doctors; But that may be starting to change
Jeanette Borzo. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: May 23, 2005. pg. R.10

Author(s): Jeanette Borzo
Section: Technology (A Special Report)
Publication title: Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: May 23, 2005. pg. R.10
Source type: Newspaper
ISSN/ISBN: 00999660
ProQuest document ID: 843300421
Text Word Count 1630
Document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=843300421&sid=1&Fmt=3&clientId=69458&RQT=309&VName=PQD

Abstract (Document Summary)

"DDS has remarkably little market share or presence," says Thomas Handler, a physician and research director at Gartner Inc., a technology consulting firm based in Stamford, Conn. Many agree with his assessment that such programs simply haven't proved to be more adept at diagnosis than physicians are on their own. Medicine, Dr. Handler says, "is really an art."

"Any of the statistics you want to look at tell us that we are doing a lousy job" in general of quickly making correct diagnoses, says Dr. [Charles Burger]. Diagnostic-support software can be a big help in sorting through the myriad possible causes of a patient's symptoms, he says. "Are the tools perfect?" says Dr. Burger. "No, but they are getting better all the time."

"These are small-business people," says David C. Kibbe, a doctor who is the health information-technology director for the American Academy of Family Physicians in Leawood, Kan. "They've got to pay the bills" like any other small business, he says. "Margins [in family practice] are very narrow to begin with," leaving scant room for discretionary spending on information-technology systems.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Netscape 8.0 is out of Beta and in full release

Netscape® 8.0 Includes Innovative Phishing/Virus/Spyware Protection That Warns Users, Disables Functionality on Known Dangerous Web Sites. Browser Can Display Web Pages Like IE or Firefox, Automatically Adjusts Settings for Maximum Security and Compatibility.

Read the full press release:

Download Netscape 8.0 from this URL :

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Using Firefox? : a new security update is available

Firefox version 1.0.4 has been released today by Mozilla.org.
"Firefox 1.0.4 is a security update that is part of our ongoing program to provide a safe Internet experience for our customers. We recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version."
"Firefox is a fast, full-featured browser that makes browsing more efficient than ever before....These Release Notes cover what's new, download and installation instructions, known issues and frequently asked questions for the Firefox 1.0.4 release. Please read these notes and the bug filing instructions before reporting any bugs to Bugzilla."

We want to hear your feedback about Firefox. Please join us in the Firefox forums, hosted by MozillaZine.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Archives of PNAS now complete on PubMedCentral

PubMed Central now includes complete coverage of the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) :
ISSN: 0027-8424


Complete content for: v.1:no.1 (1915) to the present. (A six-month delay on availability of current content is imposed by the publisher on content at PubMedCentral.)

However, the UCHC library has a current subscription for the most current online content at :

Friday, May 06, 2005

Proxy problems?

Are you having trouble accessing the libraries' electronic resources using the proxy service?
Please help us pinpoint the problems so that we can solve them.
Please use the comments area on this post to explain the problems that you are having.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cellular and Molecular Biology has gone online.

The Cellular and Molecular Biology Association has ceased print publication of the journal : Cellular and Molecular Biology. Publication continues in the online format only. UCONN users may access the online version with a username and password.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

New updates to MD Consult

New updates to MD Consult
New Enhancements - May 2005

Search Enhancements

Results at a Glance - A Summary showing the first 3 results in each content area. This feature simplifies user navigation and shows breadth of content available.
Improved Focus - Provides an easier, more prominent, and more effective method for refining book and journal searching to one of these information needs: Diagnosis, Etiology, Treatment, or Prognosis. Users can click one of those options under our newly placed "focus" drop-down box to obtain improved search results in books, journals, and practice guidelines. This new feature improves the values found in our existing advanced journal search feature and also extends it to user's book searches.
Practice Guidelines Updates - Weekly updates now include abstracts of peer-reviewed practice guidelines and links to the full-text. They are searchable by topic and authoring organization.

Surgical Image Collection
- A new content feature, Surgical Images, has been added to Clinical Insights, under the Current Practice tab. These images have been chosen on the basis of topics rated by residents as most helpful, and are viewable as thumbnails and linked to full-size. The first three sections - Pediatric, Head & Neck, and Skin and Soft Tissue are now available. Additional sections will be added in the months ahead with ultimately 1000 total images.

New Books Added to MDC Core

Khatri: Operative Surgery Manual, 1/e.


Book Description: This book provides practical guidance on the most common elective and emergency procedures. Each concise chapter follows the same format and contains standardized headings: position, incision, exposure and operative technique, and closure. Numerous illustrations detail the procedures, providing clarity at a glance. A focused preoperative preparation section is also included.

Because of this book's strong appeal to surgical residents and medical students embarking on a surgical rotation or general surgery residency program, we are also featuring the procedures and accompanying images in Student Union.

Mettler: Essentials of Radiology, 2/e


Book Description: This best-selling radiology primer clearly explains the basic principles and clinical applications of plain film, CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine. Written in straightforward, accessible language and assuming no prior knowledge of radiology, it provides an ideal introduction to the field. Over 550 digital images demonstrate every essential concept.

New Edition

Cummings-Haughey-Thomas-Harker-Robbins-Schuller-Flint-Richardson: Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery, 4/e (2005 Mosby) has been added to MDC Core Edition. It replaces Cummings et al: Otolaryngology, 3/e (1998 Mosby).


Book Description: This masterwork is universally acknowledged as the most comprehensive, authoritative reference in the field of head and neck surgery. Its four volumes encompass the entire body of core knowledge as well as the most cutting-edge developments within every otolaryngologic subspecialty. A multitude of preeminent contributing experts ensure that the coverage is complete, current, and clinically relevant, reflecting the latest advances in basic science and clinical practice.

Monday, May 02, 2005

HIVMedicine : free online textbook updated for 2005

HIVMedicine : a free online textbook has been updated for 2005, by the editors :
Christian Hoffmann, Jürgen Rockstroh, and Bernd Sebastian Kamps. HIVMedicine is available in several languages, including English, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and the new 2005 updates, will be available in German. Users may sign up for e-mails that announce access to the most recent updates.

Don't miss this other free medical textbook : SARSReference which provides a comprehensive overview of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

HIVMedicine and SARSRference are part of a larger website : AMEDEO: the medical literature guide.
"AMEDEO’s core components include weekly emails with bibliographic lists about new scientific publications, personal Web pages for one-time download of available abstracts (see example), and an overview of the medical literature published in relevant journals over the past 12 to 24 months.
AMEDEO has been free of charge since 1997 and will continue to be free in the future. The weekly information is compiled by specialists dedicated to the rapid distribution of medical knowledge."